Sunday, May 6, 2007

Suhit Anantula, Blow Up Betty

I've been listening to Blowup Betty lately. Adelaide band with a few freebie downloads on their site: I'll try emailing them again about podsafety, so as to play them on the show.

Another thing you may want to look at is Suhit Anantula's blog World is Green : Business Strategy and Sustainability. A nice survey of Green business in the media wild. He's agreed to come on the show for an interview. It's all down to me getting my act together. If you have a question for him do let me know or better yet send a link to an MP3 of you asking it. Include your name, how to pronouce etc...

Habits, I tell myself, it's all about habits. Go 22 days someone says and you've got it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Hey!

Just stumbled across this blog and wanted to say thanks for checking us out! Feel free to use any of our music on your podcasts! And you can email us at if you want a free CD or t-shirt - happy to oblige!

Much love,

Kim and Blow Up Betty!